Griffin Theatre

Griffin Theatre

De Republica is honoured to be a trusted longtime content partner of Australia's leading writing theatre, Griffin Theatre – a non-profit arts organistation dedicated to bringing the best Australian stories to the stage.

Griffin Season Trailer

Proving there’s never a dull moment on set with Griffin, this season trailer, in collaboration with RE Agency, offers a small glimpse into the the bold, fresh, and original Australian works playing throughout the 2018 season at Griffith Theatre.

Stories From The Stage

In collaboration with RE agency, Stories From The Stage flips the perspective to hear our performers recounting key anecdotes and feelings they experience when performing for the audience at Griffin Theatre.

Losing The Plot

Directed by Mitch Green, this absorbing, comedic series of actors ‘losing the plot’ mid-dialogue offers a clever and compelling way to command attention to the importance of funding the arts.